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Principal's Message


Principal Nicole Killian

I am very excited to begin a new chapter in my life both personally and professional with the Main Street community! I have served in education since 1998 as a teacher and over eleven years as both a site and district level administrator. Being a site leader is a very rewarding job! I am grateful to be a new part of the Soquel Union Elementary School District family.


I began my career as a fourth grade teacher and continued in upper elementary and middle school in Portland Public School District as well as Santa Cruz City Schools between the years of 1998 and 2006. One of my greatest joys was leading an after school running club for fifth and sixth graders.  I believe in the whole child and providing opportunities to grow!


In 2002 received my Masters Degree in Education with a focus on Educational Systems. I believe that involving all stakeholders in cooperative decision making is a critical component of achieving goals and experiencing success. 


In 2015 I began an adventure in primary reading as a reading specialist for Bradley Elementary School in Pajaro Valley Unified School District. Reading intervention was provided through the use of SIPPS, a direct and systematic approach to reading instruction for grades one through three. I was hired in 2016 as the Academic Coordinator for Bradley where I served teachers in the areas of curriculum and assessment. My passion project was putting on an annual STEAM day for K-6 students.  My two children attended Bradley as well. My years with them at school were priceless and a tremendous part of the joy of being an educator.


At the onset of the pandemic, I was hired as the Coordinator of Early Literacy for the Pajaro Valley Unified School District. In this role, I provided 18 elementary sites with support both at the administrative level and teacher professional development level. In this role, I was privileged to be trained in improvement science through the Carnegie Foundation and to gain access to the science of reading professional development through Sacramento County Office of Education through the ELSB grant. I had a team of four coaches that came as part of this grant and three sites by which we were able work from a systems approach to see students close reading gaps. It has definitely been a passion of mine and I will continue this passion in support of our readers at Main Street!


I currently live in Watsonville with my children and my soon to be husband Scott. We enjoy cooking, funny videos, watching movies and hanging out with our cat Jewel. I personally enjoy reading, cooking and baking, running, hiking and learning new things!


I look forward to beginning the 2023-2024 school year in a new community where students and families can thrive. As with all things that grow; we must care for, attend to and cultivate the environment so our students can thrive. I can’t wait to meet each of you and see our Main Street “garden” grow!  Together, we can!

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